Včerajšie intenzívne búrky priniesli do Anglicka aj wall cloud. Búrka neskôr priniesla aj tornádo, ktoré napáchalo škody.
Persistently Rotating Thunderstorm in Derbyshire, UK 13.9 1610min Clip from Tuesday 13.9.16 Time: 19:12 - 19:22PM East of Chapel en la Frith, Derbyshire, UK! Wall Cloud observed around 19:00PM 3.5 miles South East of this location on the A623! 19:05PM EUSM Team issue a Warning for this Cell on Social Media. 19:12PM the 1st reported image of the Tornado & Wall Cloud around the A57 Hollow Meadows (TBC) 19:20PM Video is recorded from Low Bradfield! - Brief Hail Core observed at our location around 19:25PM no more than 10mm in size. Surface water flooding was widespread throughout the tops of Derbyshire. 3 long standing locals describing the storm as the worst they had ever experienced!
If any of our followers have any images or info from around the times stated above we would love to hear from you. Data is still being collected for this event as we speak and we will keep you updated.http://map.eustorm.com
Posted by EU Storm Map on 15. september 2016
Severe Weather Europe
Observatoire Keraunos
Earth Networks
Reed Timmer: Meteorologist and Extreme Storm Chaser