Svet bez Montrealského protokolu

Ľubomír Franko

Včerajší deň bol Medzinárodný deň ochrany ozónovej vrstvy. V roku 1987 pristúpilo k zmluve o Motrealskom protokole 196 krajín sveta, vrátane Európskej únie a členov OSN. Úlohou štátov bolo prijať opatrenia na ochranu ozónovej vrstvy, čo sa aj podarilo. Animácia z NASA ukazuje čo by sa stalo do roku 2065, ak by protokol nevznikol. Na našej planéte by sa už takmer nenachádzal ozón, čo by viedlo k nárastu počtu pacientov s rakovinou, zvýšeniu prípadov šedého zákalu a mnoho iným veciam. V Roku 2065 by sme podľa vedcov už nemohli ani vychádzať z domu.

A World Without The Montreal Protocol

The World We Avoided by Protecting the Ozone Layer

Today, September 16, is International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer--the anniversary of the signing of the Montreal Protocol, a landmark piece of legislation that began phasing out the production of ozone-depleting chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These chemicals, also known by the trade name Freon, were common refrigerants and widely used in aerosol spray cans prior to the Montreal Protocol. In recent years, scientists have been using cutting-edge computer models of the atmosphere to ask a fascinating question: What would have happened to the ozone layer if nations had done nothing to limit the release of CFCs? The impact of inaction, the modeling shows, would have been ominous: increased rates of cancer, cataracts, and immune deficiency diseases are just a few of the consequences. By 2065, global ozone levels would drop to less than 110 Dobson units—a measure of the amount of ozone between the surface and space. (A healthy Dobson unit reading over Antarctica is around 275.) "We wouldn't be able to go out much at all," says NASA scientist Paul Newman. In this animation, watch how ozone levels change in two simulated versions of the future: one where CFCs have been regulated, and one where they have not.

The World We Avoided by Protecting the Ozone Layer

International Ozone Commission Press Release

A World Without The Montreal Protocol (animation)

Posted by NASA Earth on 16. september 2016
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